Welcome to the Scholarch's Institutional Research Unit – Empowering family offices, hedge funds, and asset firms with market behavioral research.

At Scholarch, we recognize the intricate challenges of asset management and the pressure to outperform the markets. Our extensive suite of services is thoughtfully designed to support institutional investors, hedge funds, and financial professionals. We complement and enhance in-house research teams with our distinct research products. Specializing in stock market behavioral research, risk management, and innovative trading ideas, we offer in-depth analysis that empowers institutions to make informed decisions. Our commitment is to provide unparalleled insights through our meticulously developed research products.

1. Daily Real-Time Market Updates: ( DAILY )

  • Up-to-the-minute market news and analyses delivered directly to you.
  • Real-time insights to keep you informed for timely decision-making.

2. Market Behavioral Assessment Reports ( WEEKLY ):

  • Thorough evaluation of market behavioral dynamics to identify market cyclical stages.
  • Weekly Strategies to navigate market uncertainties and opportunities that are indicated based on the potential findings of the weekly market behavioral analysis.

3. Alpha Analytics and Strategy Report  ( Under average market volatility, we publish 3 reports per Q.)

  • Innovative, actionable trading ideas grounded in expert market analysis.
  • Frequent updates to stay ahead in fast-changing market conditions.

4. Monthly Economic Trend Reports: ( MONTHLY )

  • Overview analysis of the latest economic indicators.
  • Forecast for economic indicators such as inflation and unemployment rates.

5. Monthly Model Portfolio Review Report: ( MONTHLY )

  • Comprehensive analysis of our model portfolio performance.
  • Insightful evaluations of asset allocation and diversification strategies.
  • Strategic recommendations to optimize portfolio growth.
  • Gain valuable insights without the need for engagement.

Connect with us

For more information about our research products or to arrange a consultation, contact us today.

Please Note: The Scholarch LLC is not a financial advisory firm. Our corporate services do not include personalized investment advice or customized report creation. Our goal is to equip our corporate readers with general market knowledge and analysis to support your independent investment strategies.


The Scholarch LLC

1111B Governors Ave. STE 7059 Dover, DE 19904

The Scholarch Research upholds the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all its publications. We unequivocally assert that the content within our research articles is authentic and genuine, steadfastly adhering to the principles of impartiality and objectivity. Our commentary and analysis are conducted disinterestedly, devoid of any personal or financial interests that might potentially skew our evaluations. It is our policy not to invest in the stock ideas we report on. Should an exception arise, it will be clearly disclosed at the conclusion of our reports or articles. The insights and assessments provided in our research articles and reports are the culmination of meticulous research, intended solely for informational and educational purposes. They are not promotional in nature and should not be interpreted as an endorsement or solicitation to buy or sell any stocks, financial products, or services. The content provided on our website or in our reports does not constitute investment advice or an endorsement of any specific investment strategy. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, The Scholarch LLC and its affiliates do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. We shall not be held accountable for any losses incurred from reliance on this information. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Readers are strongly advised to conduct their own due diligence and consult with a professional advisor before making any investment decisions. The Scholarch LLC does not possess a financial advisory license and therefore does not offer personalized financial advice. This website and our reports may include links to third-party websites and information; The Scholarch LLC is not liable for their content or accuracy. We appreciate your trust in The Scholarch Reports. Thank you for reading our disclaimer.